It seems television coverage of every Grand Slam tennis tournament includes about five commercials, run about a thousand times each. After watching untold hours of the Australian Open coverage, I could do without ever again watching men in meat ponchos trying to outrun hungry wolves while wearing Degree deodorant, and it bothers me that I find myself humming the Franklin Templeton Investments theme song. But I loved the Melbourne tourism ad. It showed people bundled up in a cold gray city, who look into a picture frame and see folks Down Under strolling on the beach and sipping cocktails in strapless dresses, while a woman softly sings "I wanna go, I wanna go where you go when you're gone." It reminded me of a comment Dubliner posted on here about the Australian Open a few years ago: "But perhaps what's most appealing to me is that I get a glimpse of sunshine and warm weather in the depths of winter here."
The song is "A Heart Divided" by Sydney native Holly Throsby. You can watch Holly sing the song on youtube, and buy it on iTunes.
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