Alright, alright, alright. It's pretty sad when Matthew McConaughey makes more movies in a year than I write blog posts. Here are my speed comments on the best picture nominees. You can find the ballot here, and everything you want to know about the coverage here.
- American Hustle: Entertaining, but I looked at my watch 4 times. (I give it 4 watches. My new scale.)
- Captain Phillips: Didn't see it. I watched the entire run of "Dexter," but this looked too scary.
- Dallas Buyers Club: I should know better than to see disturbing movies about illness in the theater. At least I learned from my Black Swan experience and, instead of trying to escape to the lobby, I struck the fetal position on the floor in front of my seat for the last half hour of the movie. I would like to thank the janitorial staff at the E Street Cinema for their fantastically clean floors (I hope). So I think this was a great movie, and I know Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto were great in it, but I have to sum up by saying that I saw it on a small screen in Canada.
- Gravity: It was fun to see what it would be like to be in space, but did the director of "To Fly!" get a Best Director Oscar?
- Her: I found this interesting and mostly entertaining, but I went in with low expectations after a friend said she hated it. At the beginning of the movie I thought it might be fun to have a friendly OS in my ear 24/7, but by the middle I was sick of pretending to hear him. Maybe that's a metaphor for the movie. Or my life.
- Nebraska: I thought this might be kinda dull, but I didn't look at my watch once (no watches!). Really great slice-of-life movie. Made me want to hug my outgoing family.
- Philomena: Good movie, but too heartbreaking. I overheard someone at E Street refer to it as a "fun" movie. Really?
- 12 Years a Slave: Phenomenal movie, phenomenal performances. I hope it wins.
- The Wolf of Wall Street: Reasonably entertaining for a three-hour movie seen at the West End Cinema (seated in something akin to a folding chair), but I'm not sure what the point was.
One more thought about Matthew McConaughey (which I've now learned to spell, I think). Everyone keeps talking about the McConaissance -- the actor's recent move from pretty boy roles in lightweight movies to challenging roles in serious ones -- but I haven't heard much mention of Lone Star, the 1996 John Sayles movie McConaughey was in with Sayles regular Chris Cooper. If you want to have a McConaughey marathon, I reocmmend you start with that. Have fun watching tonight!
Excellent summary - LOVE the small screen in Canada reference.
Posted by: Karen | March 02, 2014 at 07:35 PM
I'm pretty sure the small screen in Canada reference comes from one of your brothers Karen.
Posted by: MB | March 03, 2014 at 12:55 AM